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The Philosophy of Moving



Happiness is the efforts of changing environment, not the expectation of what it will surely bring. Moving is not a choice between right or wrong, but a choice among several wrong options, you choose the one you can accept, and go ahead.

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by Laura Shen

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I move to new place every 1-2 years. There are two types of transients, the ones who maintain themselves and keep dissociated from receiving place, or the ones who proactively adjust to new circumstances. People of the former type could be genuine, or stubborn, while the latter could become flexible, or greasy. Someone may have been to many places, while can never change their truest selves, they copy and paste their old habits wherever they are, or even keep conservative and detached from the new destination. A good example is the closed circle of junior Chinese students in North America, the case of 3 Chinese teenagers bullying ruthlessly their peers in school and being sentenced in jail in United States has reminded us how serious moving abroad is. But it is also the ones who firmly keep themselves have saved our precious roots, such as those senior overseas Chinese, they maintained many important traditions China has lost today. In Malaysia, we can find many traditional Cantonese cooking, furniture, architectures that are missed in Guangdong today. There are people who can well adjust themselves to the new environment and build their own heaven, they are brave to overcome the established limits and learn from others, on the other hand, there are the ones who are "over adaptive" and lose themselves, forgetting who they are.


Moving is a struggle between identities. Shall we adjust and choose to integrate ourselves?Or shall we resist integration and keep who we are? It seems every option is wrong, whatever adjust or stand fast. Moving is not a choice between right or wrong, but a choice among several wrong options, you choose the one you can accept, and go ahead. Once we move, we are forced to survive between identities, it is a lifelong struggle and survival.

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南洋理工大学,新加坡 ​摄影 | 申雁冰

There is no right or wrong, there is only choice.

On the road to Canteen 15, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | photo by Laura Shen

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新加坡 摄影 | 申雁冰

What will we be reminded by the descending passports? This small book makes a lifelong influence on transients.

ADM Gallery, Singapore | photo by Laura Shen


The benefits of moving is the indefinite possibilities, it provides an alternative and lets us know what "Otherwise" means. Moving is a good reference book, informing us there is not only one route.

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租屋楼下的马来婚礼。 我学会在多样性中生存,一直记得看到图书馆的两个管理员,一个是华人,一个是包头巾的马来穆斯林女性,他们谈笑风生,交流毫无障碍,可以看到那种彼此身份认同的默契感,这是我以前不曾体验过的。我意识到,在中国习以为常的习惯,已经造成了我对多样性的盲点,尽管中国拥有相当庞大的穆斯林族群,可是我们并不知道与他们如何相处,而只是教条地统称“少数民族”,更像口号,而不是真实的生活经验。至少像这样两人说着流利英文谈笑风生的情景,我没有见过。所以我了解到,在熟悉的地方呆很久会造成文化惯性和认知盲点,而我们并不自知,只有离开原点,才能看清原点的面目。

文礼, 新加坡 | 摄影:申雁冰

A traditional Malay wedding at the lobby of HDB apartments.Singapore has taught me how to live in diversity. An impressive occasion is the first time I went to campus library and saw 2 library staff talking smoothly with each other, one is a Singaporean Chinese and the other a Singaporean Malay muslin lady wearing headscarf. Obviously there is zero communication obstacles between them and I can see their strong mutual identity recognition, which I had no sense before at all. I realized that my routine habit has made me "blind" to a certain extents. Although China has a large population of Muslims, we would rather call "minority ethnicity" then knowing well how to get accompany with them, we lack the real life experience. I realize that I would have got cultural inertia and cognitive blind spots when I live in a familiar place for too long. Only when I leave my origin can I see it clearly.

Boon Lay, Singapore | photo by Laura Shen

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新加坡 | 摄影:申雁冰

I was accompanied by a close Indian friend and attended their festival, and I was the only non-Indian participate in the ball. Dance is at the core of Indian culture, seemly as "eating" in Chinese culture. Nearly every Indian is good at dance, they not only handle body language well, but also hold a strong will to present it.

Singapore | photo by Laura Shen

我们最害怕的是“失去”,那种“不在场感”令人恐惧。有一个关于移民的理论叫“push and pull”:push就是当前的所在地,是否有一种推动力,把你从这个地方推出去,让你急于想离开这个地方;pull是目的地,是否具有一种牵引力,吸引你离开现在所处的地方,千里迢迢奔赴到新地方。推动力和牵引力,都不可少。有的人拥有push的力量,比如对现实不满,想要逃离这种现状,但是并没有一个pull,没有可以接纳其的新地方,所谓找不到下家,所以即使对现状不满,为了生存也只能坚持。有的人拥有pull,一个吸引人的新机会、新环境,但是现状并不差,对现状还算满意,于是也就不会选择改变环境。而我在想,除了push和pull外,还有一个因素,就是will,就是怀有个人愿望、有想法、有一颗愿意改变也能够适应改变的心。牵引力不是理所当然,只能靠自己去寻找和争取。生活中有太多对现状不满的人,抱怨很多,却从未看到其对改变现状所做出的行动和努力,有埋怨而无行动。而即使牵引力理所当然的来临时,如果一个人没有足够的野心和思维去看得到其中的价值,而是安于现状,觉得目前的状况很舒服很安逸,不想去改变,那么即使有了pull,也是没有意义。因为根本上,人都渴望熟悉的事物,与现状相处久了,就会形成一种依赖和惯性,无论你对现状是不满还是满足,都会对其形成依恋,人会本能的拒绝改变,希望保持现状。因为一个改变,可能带来更好,也可能带来更差。这就像是一场零和博弈的游戏,当一个更好和一个更差的可能摆在面前时,人的本能会选择放弃,放弃任何可能而选择保持现状,因为人不敢承担更差的结果,所以不惜牺牲更好的可能,来避免更坏的可能。于是我们看到一个神奇的,但是再普遍不过的情景:许多人明明可以过上很棒的生活,却依旧坚持过差劲的生活,因为他们害怕会活得更差。

But what we are most fearful is the sense of "losing", it is horrible to be absent. "Push and Pull" is the common theory for migration. Push is from the original place, it pushes people to leave it, and Pull is from the receiving place, it attracts people to arrive there at whatever cost. Both are inevitable for moving. Some of us hold a push, that we are unsatisfied with the present and eager to get rid of it, but we lacks a Pull, there is no place to receive us, thus we insist on reluctantly, even though it is unhappy. While sometimes we get a good Pull from a charming new opportunity, but we are satisfied with the current and don't want to bother a change. Besides Push and Pull, I believe there is another factor: the Will, the desire and capacity for change. A pull is to be traced, not for granted. It is easy to complain, but hard to take action. And even a good Pull has come, it is nonsense for a man who does not hold ambition,  can't find its meaning, and wishes to keep status quo. Fundamentally, humans are inclined for familiarity, they are dependent on status quo, whether satisfying or not. It is our instinct to refuse changing, because a change could bring better, or worse. It is a zero-sum game. When gambling on better or worse, we would rather give up any possibilities and maintain the same, because we fear for the worse, we even would like to avoid the worse at the cost of losing the better. It is wired but common that many people deserve a better life, but they insist on keeping the status quo, because they are afraid of getting worse.

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在新加坡住的第一个地方,山坡上一片别致的公寓小楼,在露台上远眺藏蓝色的南洋黄昏。 我清晰记得那朦胧的色彩、潮湿空气的味道,以及在小岛山坡的楼阁中生活所带来的感受。我知道,人可以去过一种惬意的生活,至少,世界上存在这种可能。​

新加坡 摄影 | 申雁冰

My first residence in Singapore. I am impressed by purple twilight, damp air, and the life on the small hill surrounded by forests of Southeast Asian islands. I know I can live an adorable life, at least, it exists.

Singapore | photo by Laura Shen

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新加坡 | 摄影:申雁冰

I stared to live in this HDB block near campus after graduation. That was the first time I experienced how surviving to search for a rent. But Singapore is a comfortable livable place, the living environment HDB where 80% of Singaporeans live is equal to a semi-luxurious real estate in China. No matter the income is lower or higher, people can still enjoy an adorable residence, which is so hard to get in the big cities of China today.

Pioneer, Singapore | photo by Laura Shen


The movie Brooklyn reminds us that the most suffering part of migration is the not the pains, but the sweetness. The heroin keeps growing through tough challenges in New York, but in Ireland hometown she is degenerating through sweets. It is owning to the skills and progress she got through pains in New York that made her shine in hometown. This fake comfort is torn by her previous boss who meanly uncovered the truths she wants to hide. Until then she finally discovers the deep danger underneath security and realizes the uneasy new land is her real home now.

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Brooklyn is about how an Irish immigrant struggles between home country and the new hope land.


People are anxious in front of choices, and will never be satisfied with whichever choice, because every choice is at the cost of giving up the benefits from the choice otherwise. We cannot help comparing, especially when we are are forced to face the setbacks from our choice, we cannot help thinking of "IF", what would we otherwise be? But I want emphasize the other side of the story, that we have enjoyed the goods from our choice as well as avoiding the bad otherwise, we are responsible for any result.


There exists neither right nor wrong, there is only choice. Those who dare to choose and change are adorable, because most of us dare not to change, and would rather give up choices.

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书桌 | 摄影:申雁冰

My desk | photo by Laura Shen

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东海岸,新加坡| 摄影:申雁冰


East Coast, Singapore | photo by Laura Shen

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The End

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Abbey Laura San is a creative writer on city, architecture, contemporary art and society of Asia. She reflects on how to improve life quality through aesthetic, literary, and philosophical way.